Thank you for visiting The Cinemologist. We specialize in the study of cinema. We love asking questions and learning new information.

Movin' on up

Well people, I've just been informed that I've been accepted to a master's program for Screenwriting and Film Studies. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome news. However, I will have to change the theme of this blog because I will know longer be just a "Citizen", but will have been swayed(educated) by the man(professors). Granted this process could take up to 3 years. So we'll still have some time to discuss these movies on a real-world basis.

I'm looking for some new writing sources for upcoming posts. I've watched a few interesting movies: El Topo and Russian Ark which I might get into. I've also been thinking about some nice topics to discuss.

If anyone out there is reading this, please feel free to post some ideas and/or topics for discussion. Until then...


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